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S.A.F.E. Cards® Complete Boxed Set

S.A.F.E Cards® are 100 construction-related safety moments for any meeting or gathering—perfect for addressing safety-related issues at your workplace. Order a Complete Boxed Set to conduct Safety Moments and on-the-spot safety training. The set includes all the Cards from all ten categories in a custom storage box appropriate for the job trailer, office, or conference room.


S.A.F.E. Cards® Complete Boxed Set
(no plastic case) Details

The Complete Boxed Set is the perfect solution for Safety Moments or on-the-spot safety training out on your jobsite.

  • Keep the box in your office or the job trailer. Get a Set for each conference room. When someone needs to hold a safety moment, grab a Card.
  • Before you walk onto the site, grab a couple Cards that relate to the work your people are doing and put them in your pocket. You're ready to do some on-the-spot training anytime during the day.
  • If your work environment is especially demanding, consider the SAFE Cards® Complete Set with Waterproof Case


The Complete Boxed Set includes all 100 S.A.F.E. Cards® in a telescoping, printed box. The Cards cover a broad range of construction dangers and hazards. You can train with any Card in just 2-3 minutes. (See all 10 categories and the titles of all 100 Cards here) We also include 3 instruction Cards that will help you get the most out of your training efforts. S.A.F.E. Cards® are super tough. They're not laminated paper, they're printed directly on durable, 12 mil plastic, and they have a scratch and scuff resistant coating. 

The Cards in the Complete Boxed Set are the same as the Cards in the Complete Set with Waterproof Case. The difference between the products is the container. 

Get yours today!

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