Please note that all outlet sales are FINAL and cannot be returned.
Less-than-perfect Construction & Maintenance Daily Logs contain imperfections that do not affect their utility as a record-keeping tool. Rather than recycling new Daily Logs that don’t meet our high production standards, we’re offering them to you at a significant discount.
Less-than-perfect Daily Log purchased through the Outlet may be missing the cloth bookmark, contain damaged corners, have scratched cover stock, appear shopworn with slight wear at edges of book, have imperfect gold embossing on the title, or have an out-of-date reference calendar at the back of the book. Less-than-perfect Daily Logs are subject to availability of imperfect stock.
Last chance to purchase S.A.F.E. Cards® as individual categories! We're updating the format of our S.A.F.E.Cards®, so our remaining stock of individual categories are discounted. Get yours while supplies last.