Manufacturing Safety allows you to:
What Are Manufacturing Safety Meetings?
Manufacturing Safety Meetings are an affordable, efficient, training tool. Bring the training to the employees—right on the shop floor! These pre-written Safety Meetings take less than 10 minutes to hold, allowing you to address safety issues and quickly get back to work. Attendee signatures provide proof of OSHA compliance. Easy-to-use and affordable —yearly subscriptions starting at only $180!
If I Work for a Small Manufacturing Company Will Manufacturing Safety Work for Me?
Yes! Manufacturing Safety Meetings are designed to be an affordable, efficient, training tool. You don’t need to get your employees to classrooms or purchase expensive computers. Bring the training to the employees—right on the shop floor! These pre-written Safety Meetings take less than 10 minutes to hold, allowing you and your employees to address safety issues and quickly get back to work. Manufacturing Safety Meetings make it easy for you to conduct regular Safety Meetings. Making training easier increases the likelihood that it will happen more often. Regular training creates and reinforces safe work practices and increases safety awareness that:
We Currently Address Safety on a Monthly Basis; Will Manufacturing Safety Work for Us?
Absolutely! We deliver four or five meetings to you every month, addressing frequently cited OSHA standards and common workplace hazards. You can use them in the way that works best in your organization. As a general rule, more frequent training results in better learning–for safety, that means fewer accidents & injuries. We developed Manufacturing Safety to enable you to train your crew frequently; once a week, or even more often with Premium Membership you can download additional meetings from the Online library anytime. However, if monthly training works best for you—no problem—simply choose meetings on the topic you would like to address during your monthly Safety Meeting.
We’re a Midsize Manufacturer With Some Safety Training Already in Place. How Can Manufacturing Safety Work for Us?
Manufacturing Safety can act as a great complement to your already existing training program. Manufacturing Safety Meetings are easy to use, and take very little time to hold. The flexibility provided through the Online Library, with our Premium Membership, allows users to address a wide range of hazards whenever they’d like. Manufacturing Safety is a great addition to video, online and other forms of training.
Manufacturing Safety Meetings are also available in Spanish!
Our cost-effective Safety Meetings have accurate Spanish translations and are designed to help remove communication barriers between your team members. Learn more about the benefits of training in Spanish: