Here are several excellent resources and articles about staying safe this summer---at work, at home, or at the pool.
National Safety Month: Each year, the National Safety Council designates June as “National Safety Month.” This year, the theme is “Stay Safe at Work and Beyond.” The weekly topics include: Safety Engagement, Roadway Safety, Risk Reduction, and Slips, Trips and Falls. You can find out more and access free resources here.
Wear sunscreen: When you’re working or playing in the sun, sunscreen can protect your skin from sunburn, early skin aging, and skin cancer. For more information, check out the American Academy of Dermatology Association’s website here.
Keep cool: If you work outside in the heat, you can become sick from heat exposure. According to OSHA, every year, thousands become sick from occupational heat exposure, and some cases are fatal. Even after your body adjusts to summer's higher temperatures—which can take several days—you still have to watch out for heat illness. For more information, visit OSHA’s website here.
Don’t play with fire(works): Independence Day is a fun holiday. Whether you’re grilling in the backyard with friends, riding a float in a community parade, or watching fireworks, the 4th of July is a great time to relax and connect with friends, family, and your community. Unfortunately, far too many people spend their holidays in the emergency room. In 2021, an estimated 11,500 fireworks-related injuries landed people in the ER in the weeks around the 4th of July. Most of those ER visits were for burns, but many were for eye injuries. Don’t let kids handle fireworks. Be aware of the risks that fireworks—even sparklers—pose. For more information, read this article from the Mayo Clinic.
Water safety: Swimming can be dangerous, especially for kids. For instance, while inflatable arm bands (like floaties or water wings) can give a weak swimmer confidence, but they can easily slip off when that kid jumps into the water. Caregivers should stay an arm’s length (or less!) away from swimming kids, and not depend on the false sense of security flotation devices may offer. For more information on water safety, visit the CDC’s website here.