One of the greatest threats to worker safety in manufacturing environments is exposure to toxic chemicals. And the best way to prevent injury in these environments is through knowledge, training, and compliance. Tools such as a Daily Log Book can help regulate and keep track of workplace safety guidelines and make sure they are being met by both employees and employers.
The Importance of Workplace Chemical Safety
Workplace chemical exposure has been linked to cancers and conditions of the lungs, kidneys, skin, heart, stomach, brain, nerve, and reproductive systems. According to the Center for Disease Control, occupational skin disease is the second most common type of occupational disease, and chemical agents are the main cause. Hazardous chemicals take only seconds to penetrate the eye's outer membrane and severely and sometimes permanently affect the skin. All that being said, it's vital to have systems in place to promote workplace safety around hazardous chemicals and materials. Here are just a few steps workplaces can take to ensure the safety of their workers.
Provide Proper Protective Equipment
Anyone working with or near hazardous chemicals should be wearing equipment to protect their safety. This includes goggles and face shields, chemical gloves, protective clothing and coveralls, and appropriate footwear. Not all safety equipment is the same, so it's important to make sure your protective gear is tailored to the type of hazardous materials present in your workplace.
Develop a Hazardous Communication Program
All employers with hazardous chemicals in their workplace must create and implement a hazardous communication program. This program is designed to inform workers about the chemicals they are working with and create a plan for their handling. A clear hazardous communication program should reduce exposure and injury caused by hazardous chemicals in the workplace.
Supply Eyewash Stations and Showers
Should chemical exposure occur your workplace will want to have eyewash stations and showers easily accessible to workers. It takes just seconds for chemicals to inflict damage on the eyes or skin so accessible wash stations are key to worker safety. Employees should also be properly trained on how to use eyewash stations and what to do and not to do in the event of exposure. Knowledgeable employees make for a safer workplace.
Safety Meeting Outlines Resources
Safety Meeting Outlines provides the training and record-keeping tools necessary for creating and maintaining a safe work environment. Tools such as a Daily Log Book help keep workers safe and workplaces accountable. Call us today at 815-464-0200 to learn more about our products and how your workplace can benefit.