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Construction Select Edition Subscription - Additional Copies

Additional Copies are Convenient for your staff and they are a very Cost-Effective way to get Weekly Safety Meetings to each Supervisor and/or Crew.

Purchasing Additional Copies is the honest and ethical choice for your staff and your company.

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Construction Select Edition Copies Details

What Do You Get?

When you purchase "an Additional Copy" you receive a full extra set of all of the Weekly Safety Meetings you selected for the entire year. It's a complete extra set of all 52 Select Edition Meetings.

Do you have more than one supervisor who will be conducting Weekly Safety Meetings? Will you be using Weekly Safety Meetings on more than one site? Additional Copies are more convenient and cost-effective for your staff.Why Purchase Additional Copies?

Additional Copies are Convenient and Cost-Effective

When you purchase Additional Copies, you'll have a Weekly Safety Meeting available for each supervisor and/or jobsite right away. You don't have to make photocopies (which you shouldn't do because it's against the law), and your supervisors don't get caught without a Meeting because someone forgot to make copies. Additional copies cost about the same as your clerk's time, and they're way less expensive than having your superintendent make copies.

Additional Copies are the Honest and Ethical Choice

We treat our clients and our staff honestly, ethically, and with respect. We ask our clients to treat us the same way.

The content that we publish in the Weekly Safety Meetings is our product. That content is what brings value to your company, by helping your people avoid accidents.

We ask that you treat us honestly and act ethically by purchasing an additional copy of the Meetings for each supervisor, crew, or jobsite. Making photocopies of Select Edition Weekly Safety Meetings is unethical and dishonest.


Additional Copies are only $24 per year. $24 for convenient and honest safety training on every jobsite. You just can't beat that.

You must purchase one full Select Edition Subscription in order to get the Additional Copy price for Additional Select Edition Copies.

Other Weekly Safety Meetings